Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'll take them all...


Seriously Courtney, couldn't you just see me wearing any of these "ridiculous" shoes???


Anonymous said...

Hey Shea Leah! How are you ? It's been way too long. So, guess what Lorianne is in my ward. It's such a small world. Here I am living in Queen Creek minding my own business and here she is. It is so nice to see her every sunday. She said that you are doing well. She gave me your blog site. Don't be shy and say hi!

Aimee said...

Ok first thing's first...NO Jason does not have a blog. HA! I'm laughing out loud right now. He just came down to the basement and said (and I quote), "So I try to participate and add to your blog and now your friends think I'm some kind of gay blogger." Thanks for bringing so much enjoyment to my night.